In this company of three generations, we share a great love for creativity. We hold an immense passion for what we do. And finally we get to share it with you.

Martin Schroeder

When I step into the workshop, I come alive. When I swing a hammer, I can feel my blood running. When I grind, I can breathe. It´s not just about making something. It´s about taking a small piece of your heart and soul and putting it into an object. Be it a sword, a knife or even just a hook for the stove, each time you swing that hammer, a tiny piece of you goes into that thing and it comes alive. Because it´s something I shaped, I made, with my bare hands. I love blacksmithing because it gives me a way to express myself. It gives me an outlet for all my creative urges and thoughts. I can take a piece of hard metal, and turn it into something which quite possibly, could last someone a lifetime. That´s hard to come by these days.

Therese Schroeder

For as long as I can remember I have always created things. I got my first sewing machine when I was three or four. At the age of five I borrowed my father’s precious SLR camera and took a picture I still value today. Most of the time I don´t even think about the process of creating, it comes as natural as breathing. And my hands always need the odd something to tinker with. I haven’t always seen it as an asset more than to make our home a nice place and to save some money. But the urge to share and connect around creation wouldn’t go away, instead it grew stronger. The older I get the more I realize this is who I am and what I must do to live my life to the fullest. So now I give myself permission to be an artist, to create from my ideas whether it is in textiles, wood, metal or words. And I love it! It keeps me breathing and it keeps me sane.

Brittinger Axelsson

I have always been searching for the meaning of my life. Hoping for it to be at least a little bit more than just watching the days pass by and avoiding disasters. Now I believe I have finally found my purpose and it is to pass on the knowledge and experience I have accumulated over the years, to the future. I have acquired insight into economic structures and how you create them to ease everyday life for both the individual person and entire companies. The knowledge about the handling of financial basis which gives a more understandable flow around cash as well as accounting documents is something, I believe everyone deserves to know.
Creativity has always poured through my life and taken on many different forms and expressions. With the help of paint, fabrics and several other materials, I have shaped my surroundings as well as my sources of income. My absolute favorite thing is whenever I move into a new house, since it means I get to physically reshape my surroundings all over again.

Every piece that leaves our workshop is handcrafted from beginning to end. Every piece is unique and has its own story. We might even be able to create something from YOUR story…